[Jesus] took him off by himself. —Mark 7:33 In a movie about King George VI, who had a speech impediment, viewers graphically see the embarrassment and humiliation associated with not being able to speak a well-formed sentence. As a royal he suffered under expectations imposed upon him. Take a moment to consider a time when […]

Words of wisdom

Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God. — 1 John 4:1 Whose influence do we follow? Friends, relatives, and strangers can nudge our actions. So can invisible forces. When discouragement arrives, the negative takes the wheel and can steer us off the highway of love. […]

Thus says the LORD: This is what I commanded my people: Listen to my voice; then I will be your God and you shall be my people. Jeremiah 7:23 How, exactly, are we to listen to the voice of God? One way is through contemplation. In the fourteenth-century classic The Cloud of Unknowing, written by […]

I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:5 Psalm 34 does not say that the Lord delivers us from all dangers, temptations, or evildoers. The Lord delivers us from our own fears. We are afraid of danger, temptation, and evil people—that is our flaw. We don’t […]

“When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. “Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your […]


Lord, I open my heart to you in gratitude. Thank you for this new day. I have a fresh start to fix where I have fallen short, to give and forgive. Give me clear eyes to see my life, all the abundance and all the love. Please continue to bless me so that I might […]

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